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Study the mind-blowing, design-related discoveries God reveals both throughout the Bible and His creation. You will learn interior design from start to finish but from a Biblical perspective! Our mission is to give God glory as we recognize, honor, worship, and invite Him into our design process.
Come away, not only understanding how to design your space, and use tools such as rhythm, pattern, scale, and color–but more importantly, you’ll come away in awe and wonder of our God Who loves you and is the Source of all design!
“Two years into my career, God woke me up and made me a Christian designer. Eight years passed and I have worked hard condensing what God has instilled in me to teach you interior design with God at the center.
Join us this FREE 12-PART DESIGN SERIES & WORKBOOK–created with you in mind, teaching interior design on the deepest level as well as the most practical.“
– Barbara Ann Holmes
© 2024 All Rights Reserved - Lintels and Lallies | Barbara Ann Holmes | DesignMAGNIFIED!
Serving homes, churches and businesses in northwestern Indiana and southern Michigan with approachable design.